You can use my code: CXN1686667D to get an additional 2 FREE Months listed at Mental Health Match.
Like with Psychology Today, Mental Health Match is a good directory for getting referral from, but unlike the FREE Therapist Directories I've shared in the past, there is a monthly cost of $24.97. After learning the hard way that I lost out of $180 of free listing costs with Psychology Today, I made sure to do better research with Mental Health Match.
As of this post, Mental Health Match provides a free 60 day trial when you sign up. If you also enter a referral code at sign up, it will stack another 2 free months for a total of 4 FREE months being listed at Mental Health Match. Something I appreciated when signing up, was that no credit card is required. If you don't add a credit card to your account, your trial will just automatically end.
You can use my code: CXN1686667D, or if you know a new to practice therapist who is already listed on Mental Health Match you can ask them for their code. I am certain they will welcome your request, because when you sign up the referrer will get a free month too. Who wouldn't welcome having to spend $25 less a month?